
tongsheng tsdz2b mid motor 1T4 860c display

Tongsheng TSDZ2 TSDZ2B 36V 48V 52V 750W OSF Mid Drive Motor Electric Bike Torque Sensor Central Engine Full Set Ebike Conversion Kit

Tongsheng TSDZ2 TSDZ2B 36V 48V 52V 750W OSF Mid Drive Motor Electric Bike Torque Sensor Central Engine Full Set Ebike Conversion Kit

 The TONGSHENG TSDZ2B OSF is a highly regarded mid-drive electric motor specifically designed for bicycles. As an engineer with 10 years of experience working on this motor, I can provide you with a more detailed introduction to its features and capabilities.

The TSDZ2 OSF motor is known for its exceptional power output, delivering efficient assistance to cyclists during their rides. With a rated power of 750 watts (please insert the appropriate power rating), it provides reliable performance across various terrains and riding conditions. Whether you are climbing steep hills or cruising at high speeds, this motor offers consistent and powerful support.

One of the key advantages of the TSDZ2 OSF motor is its mid-drive design, which sets it apart from other types of e-bike motors. By being positioned in the middle of the bicycle frame, it utilizes the bike's existing drivetrain and gears more efficiently. This translates into improved torque delivery, optimized power utilization, and better overall performance. The mid-drive location also ensures a more balanced weight distribution, enhancing the bike's stability and maneuverability.

The TSDZ2 OSF motor incorporates advanced torque sensing technology, which is a significant feature for e-bike enthusiasts. This technology allows the motor to accurately measure the force applied by the cyclist and adjust its power output accordingly. As a result, riders experience a smooth and responsive ride, as the motor seamlessly adapts to their pedaling efforts. This intelligent system ensures an intuitive and natural riding experience, making the TSDZ2 OSF motor a popular choice among cyclists.

Installation and compatibility are crucial considerations when choosing an e-bike motor, and the TSDZ2 OSF excels in these areas. It is designed for easy installation and can be securely fitted to a wide range of bicycle frames. Whether you have a mountain bike, road bike, or a specialized build, the TSDZ2 OSF motor can be conveniently integrated into your setup. Furthermore, it is compatible with various battery types and sizes, offering flexibility and adaptability to suit individual preferences and requirements.

Durability and reliability are essential attributes for any motor, and the TSDZ2 OSF motor is built to last. It incorporates high-quality components and materials, ensuring its longevity even under demanding riding conditions. The motor's robust construction guarantees consistent performance and minimizes the need for frequent maintenance or repairs.

Overall, the TONGSHENG TSDZ2B OSF mid-drive motor is a top choice for e-bike enthusiasts seeking a powerful, responsive, and versatile motor. Its mid-drive design, torque sensing technology, ease of installation, compatibility, and durability make it an excellent option for enhancing the riding experience on electric bicycles.


foldable bike

As a professional folding bicycle engineer, I'm happy to explain the benefits of folding bicycles. Here are some key advantages of folding bikes:

  1. Portability: One of the biggest advantages of folding bicycles is their portability. They can be conveniently folded and easily carried or stored when not in use. This makes them ideal for urban residents, commuters, and travelers. You can fold them into a compact size, making it easy to take them on public transportation such as buses, trains, or even store them in your office or home.

  2. Multimodal Transportation: Folding bikes seamlessly integrate with other modes of transportation, such as subways, buses, or trains. During long-distance trips, you can fold the bike and pack it into a portable bag, allowing you to switch to other modes of transport to cover longer distances more quickly. This flexibility makes folding bikes a valuable tool for urban commuters, saving time and energy.

  3. Space Saving: Folding bikes require less storage space. This is a significant advantage for individuals with limited living space. You can place the folded bike in a small corner of a compact apartment, office, or garage without the need for additional bike racks or storage facilities.

  4. Personal Security: Using a folding bike enhances personal security to some extent. You can fold the bike and carry it into public places like shops, restaurants, or elevators without worrying about theft or damage. Additionally, while using public transportation, you can keep the folded bike by your side without the need for shared bikes or parking areas.

  5. Customizability and High Quality: There is a wide variety of folding bikes available in the market, catering to different riding needs and budgets. From simple city commuters to high-end mountain bikes, folding bikes offer diversity and high-quality design, materials, and performance.

These are some of the main benefits of folding bikes, but ultimately, it depends on individual needs and preferences. Folding bikes are suitable for riders who prioritize portability, flexibility, and convenience. If you need more detailed information or have further questions, please feel free to ask!


Torque mid-drive motor is a commonly used electric bicycle drive system. It consists of a motor installed near the bottom bracket of the bicycle, which transfers power to the rear wheel through a chain or belt drive. Here's a detailed explanation of how torque mid-drive motors work and their advantages:

Working principle:

  1. Power input: The rider generates power by pedaling and transfers it to the mid-drive motor.
  2. Sensing and transmission: The mid-drive motor senses the rider's pedal force and speed, determining the required power output and converting it into corresponding torque.
  3. Power output: The mid-drive motor transmits the converted torque to the rear wheel through the drivetrain, propelling the bicycle forward.


  1. Natural riding feel: Torque mid-drive motors can better simulate the natural riding experience of a traditional bicycle. They provide power assistance based on the rider's pedal force, making it feel more like riding a regular bike rather than relying solely on electric assistance, such as TSDZ2,BAFANG mid motor.
  2. Good balance: Due to the motor's location near the bottom bracket, weight distribution is more balanced. This provides improved stability and handling, resulting in a more comfortable and controlled ride.
  3. Versatility: Torque mid-drive motors are compatible with various types of bicycles, including mountain bikes, city bikes, and folding bikes. They can be integrated with different gear systems and are easier to retrofit.

In addition, torque mid-drive motors offer advantages such as efficient energy utilization, high reliability, and lower maintenance costs. These factors, along with the design and working principles, have contributed to the widespread use and popularity of torque mid-drive motors in the electric bicycle industry.


미드마운트 모터 복호화

10년 경력의 전문 판매자와 공유

여러분, 안녕하세요! 10년 경력의 미드 모터 셀러 빌입니다. 오늘은 전기자전거를 사랑하는 친구들에게 도움이 되길 바라며 미드마운트 모터에 대한 지식과 경험을 공유하고자 합니다.

먼저 미드 마운트 모터를 소개하겠습니다. 중간 장착형 모터는 가장 인기 있는 전기 자전거 드라이브 시스템 중 하나입니다. 자전거 중앙에 위치하며 일반적으로 페달 영역의 마운트에 장착됩니다. 다른 유형의 모터와 비교할 때 중간 장착형 모터는 균형, 신뢰성 및 효율성이 더 좋습니다.

그렇다면 왜 중간 장착형 모터를 선택해야 할까요? 우선 미드마운트 모터는 모터가 바이크의 중앙에 위치하여 바이크의 무게를 보다 고르게 분산시키고 보다 안정적인 라이딩을 해주기 때문에 좋은 밸런스를 제공합니다. 둘째, 중간에 장착된 모터는 특히 경사를 오르거나 급가속이 필요할 때 더 높은 토크 출력을 제공하여 라이더에게 더 강력한 동력 지원을 제공할 수 있습니다.

전문 미드 마운트 모터 판매자로서 모든 사람에게 여러 브랜드와 모델을 추천하고 싶습니다.

TSDZ2 브랜드 미드 마운트 모터 : 이 브랜드의 미드 마운트 모터는 뛰어난 성능과 신뢰성으로 호평을 받고 있습니다. 다양한 라이딩 요구 사항에 맞는 다양한 출력 및 토크 옵션을 제공합니다.

모델 TSDZ2B 중간 장착 모터: 이 모델의 중간 장착 모터는 고효율과 저소음의 특성을 결합하도록 세심하게 설계되었습니다. 모든 종류의 지형과 라이딩 스타일에 적합하며 사용자에게 탁월한 경험을 제공합니다.

EBBS02 중간 장착형 모터: 이 유형의 중간 장착형 모터는 최신 기술과 혁신적인 설계를 채택하여 보다 지능적인 제어와 고효율 출력을 제공합니다. 또한 방수 성능과 내구성이 우수하여 다양한 가혹한 기상 조건의 라이딩 환경에 적합합니다.

미드 모터 또는 기타 전기 자전거 관련 문제에 대해 질문이 있는 경우 댓글 영역에 메시지를 남겨주세요. 여러분의 질문에 성심성의껏 답변해 드리고 전기자전거 분야의 더 많은 지식과 경험을 공유하겠습니다.

귀하의 지원과 관심에 감사드립니다! 흥미진진한 전기 자전거의 세계를 함께 탐험해 봅시다!


10 年の経験を持つプロの販売者による共有

こんにちは、みんな! 私は Bill です。10 年の経験を持つ中堅モーター販売員です。 今日は、電動自転車を愛する友人のお役に立てればと思い、ミッドマウントモーターに関する知識と経験を共有したいと思います。

まずはミッドマウントモーターを紹介します。 ミッドマウントモーターは、電動自転車の駆動システムの中で最も人気のあるものの 1 つです。 自転車の中央に位置し、通常はペダル領域のマウントに取り付けられます。 他のタイプのモーターと比較して、ミッドマウントモーターはバランス、信頼性、効率が優れています。

では、なぜミッドマウントモーターを選択するのでしょうか? まず、ミッドマウントモーターはモーターがバイクの中央に配置されているため、バランスが良く、バイクの重量がより均等に分散され、走行がより安定します。 次に、ミッドマウントモーターは、特に坂道を登るときや急速な加速が必要なときに、より高いトルク出力を提供し、ライダーにより強力なパワーサポートをもたらします。


TSDZ2ブランドミッドマウントモーター:優れた性能と信頼性でご好評をいただいているブランドのミッドマウントモーターです。 さまざまなライディングのニーズに合わせて、さまざまなパワーとトルクのオプションを提供します。

モデル TSDZ2B ミッドマウントモーター: このモデルのミッドマウントモーターは、高効率と低騒音の特性を兼ね備えるよう慎重に設計されています。 あらゆる種類の地形やライディングスタイルに適しており、ユーザーに優れた体験をもたらします。

EBBS02 ミッドマウント モーター: このタイプのミッドマウント モーターは、最新の技術と革新的な設計を採用し、よりインテリジェントな制御と高効率の出力を提供します。 防水性能と優れた耐久性も兼ね備え、さまざまな過酷な気象条件の走行環境に適しています。

ミッドモーターやその他の電動自転車関連の問題についてご質問がある場合は、コメント欄にメッセージを残してください。 皆様のご質問に誠心誠意お答えし、電動自転車の分野における知識と経験を共有させていただきます。

ご支援とご注目をありがとうございました! 電動自転車のエキサイティングな世界を一緒に探検しましょう!

Descifrar el motor montado en la mitad

compartido por vendedores profesionales con 10 años de experiencia

¡Hola a todos! Soy Bill, vendedor de motores medianos con 10 años de experiencia. Hoy estoy aquí para compartir con ustedes algunos conocimientos y experiencias sobre el motor montado en la mitad, con la esperanza de ser útil para los amigos que aman las bicicletas eléctricas.

Primero, presentemos el motor montado en la mitad. Los motores de montaje medio son uno de los sistemas de conducción de bicicletas eléctricas más populares que existen. Se asienta en el centro de la bicicleta y generalmente se monta en un soporte en el área de los pedales. En comparación con otros tipos de motores, los motores de montaje medio tienen mejor equilibrio, confiabilidad y eficiencia.

Entonces, ¿por qué elegir un motor de montaje central? En primer lugar, el motor montado en el medio proporciona un buen equilibrio, ya que el motor está ubicado en el centro de la bicicleta, lo que hace que el peso de la bicicleta se distribuya de manera más uniforme y la conducción sea más estable. En segundo lugar, el motor montado en el medio puede proporcionar una salida de par más alta, especialmente al subir una pendiente o cuando se requiere una aceleración rápida, brindando un apoyo de potencia más potente al ciclista.

Como vendedor profesional de motores medianos, me gustaría recomendar varias marcas y modelos a todos:

Motor de montaje medio de la marca TSDZ2: el motor de montaje medio de esta marca es bien recibido por su excelente rendimiento y confiabilidad. Ofrecen una variedad de opciones de potencia y par para adaptarse a las diferentes necesidades de conducción.

Motor de montaje central modelo TSDZ2B: El motor de montaje central de este modelo ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado para combinar las características de alta eficiencia y bajo nivel de ruido. Es adecuado para todo tipo de terrenos y estilos de conducción, y brinda a los usuarios una excelente experiencia.

Motor de montaje medio EBBS02: este tipo de motor de montaje medio adopta la última tecnología y un diseño innovador, lo que brinda un control más inteligente y una salida de mayor eficiencia. También tiene un rendimiento resistente al agua y una buena durabilidad, adecuado para entornos de conducción en diversas condiciones climáticas adversas.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el motor central u otros problemas relacionados con las bicicletas eléctricas, deje un mensaje en el área de comentarios. Responderé de todo corazón a sus preguntas y compartiré más conocimientos y experiencia en el campo de las bicicletas eléctricas.

¡Gracias por su apoyo y atención! ¡Exploremos juntos el apasionante mundo de las bicicletas eléctricas!